Quickbit has entered into an agreement with Erik Penser Bank on commissioned equity research and Erik Penser today publishes the initial research. The analysis can be read under the following link, https://investor.quickbit.com/en/the-share/analysts/

”The collaboration with Erik Penser will provide access to analyses and descriptions produced by experienced analysts. It will increase the stock market’s knowledge of the company”, says Serod Nasrat, CEO.

The commissioned analyses will be published through Erik Penser’s distribution network and on Quickbit’s website. The publication on Quickbit’s website shall not be interpreted as the company thereby confirm or validate the conclusions drawn in the analyses, but shall be seen as a service to shareholders and the capital market.

For further information, please contact:

Simon Afeworki, Head of Finance Quickbit eu AB (publ)
E-mail: ir@quickbit.com
Phone: +46 76 252 14 75